Taking healthcare everywhere
14/1/2023 WP4 and WP5
Azhar University completed the pilot run of the first 30 ECTS eHealth certificate/diploma in Egypt. 95 graduation project were presented by physicians and experts from engineering and computer sciences as well as other health sciences specialists.
Knowledge triangle, innovation: Reinforcing of Education,
Research E.health & medical links (ICU RERE)


WP1: I C U center of ExllenceCardiology
WP Leader BAU. WP Co-leaders: CESIE+ NDU+ O6U+ BUC + AZHU

Healthcare Industry Cooperation with University (ICU) Center of Excellence
WP1 Preparation (PREP): Main Coroner Stones (MCS)
WP1 will start by surveying the activities of the existing centers at partner universities and enterprises to identify their capacities, capabilities, challenges and opportunities in order to be able to establish new centers and or modify and improve the existing once as a critical step towards establishing of international university-enterprise network of Centers of e-Health Innovations (CeHI).
After conducting surveys & controlled focus groups with target groups, analysing data and identifying gaps & needs, then summarizing results & preparing a report.
Reports will be presented and discussed during open seminars with stakeholders from health sector & all partners in each PC and a joint report will be discussed during regional seminar with EU partners. Based on this report, an updated list of requirements of for CeHI is created.
The CeHI developer team will be in place to finalize the requirement and tuning the objectives. Different filed visits, workshops and seminars will be conducted. All partners will work together on the definition of centers’ policy, strategy, regulations & plans.
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